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First Volvo Electric Truck Released to the Public!

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Wondering what is to come for the future of electric trucks? Well, Volvo has made electric trucking a present-day phenomenon. With its new unveiling, on Tuesday afternoon, Volvo Trucks didn’t disappoint customers. The company delivered on their promises of functioning electric trucks by 2019. As of Tuesday, the company released its first electric truck to consumers.

One of the companies who purchased the first among Volvo’s electric trucks was Renova. Renova, a waste and recycling company, purchased an electric refuse truck. Meanwhile, another company that capitalized on the new commercial vehicle was DB Shenker.  This truck was not a refuse truck but contrastingly, a distribution truck. The company has yet to leave their reviews of the trucks. The Volvo FL Electric Truck and the Volvo FE Electric Truck are the results of a pre-series. Renova and DB Shenker were among the first to get them. The series was only available to a limited amount of customers for its launch date.  

Why are electric trucks so important to Volvo?

Interestingly, these Volvo electric trucks scratch the surface on the developments of the trucking industry. It wasn’t too long ago until Tesla released plans of a semi-truck.  The benefits of electric commercial vehicles are substantial. These vehicles, running solely on electric energy, provide great benefits. Battery electric vehicles do not produce pollution, are cheaper to fuel, and they minimize wasted energy. They are also conveniently quiet.

Drivers often revere the trucks’ quick acceleration and lack of noise. It also helps that these trucks are relatively easier to drive than fuel powered cars.

Volvo’s electric vehicles provide a simple solution to the driver shortage. Thus, fewer trucks doing more work. Electric vehicles can usually drive greater distances, perform more efficiently and carry more cargo. Also, the trucks’ ease of difficulty can help bring more people into the trucking trade.

Only time will tell the long-term benefits of Volvo’s electric trucks. However, we’re quite excited at Eugene Car Transport!

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