Do you have an upcoming auto transportation service that you need to prepare for? Give us a call for some assistance! Our team of drivers will do most of the work shipping your car for you, but there are still some things we suggest our customers do to ensure that their vehicle is fully prepared for their shipment.
Check for Leaks of Any Kind
Something that can really mess up an auto shipment process is if your vehicle is leaking in any sort of way. We suggest having your car thoroughly checked for any potential leaks of oil, transmission fluid, coolant, or any sort of fluid that lives within your car! If you do have any leak, get it repaired ASAP and let us know so we can adjust your shipping schedule.
Remove Add-Ons and Loose Items
If you have added any exterior add-ons to our vehicle, such as bike racks, speakers, antennas, etc., you will want to remove them prior to shipping. By leaving them on, you risk them being damaged in transit and put the rest of your vehicle at increased risk. If you have any interior items that are loose, we suggest you remove those too. You do not want items loosely banging around in your vehicle putting your car’s body at risk of damage.
Wash Your Car and Inspect the Outside
Before shipping, you want to make sure you have a clean car that shows the true state of your vehicle at the moment. You then want to thoroughly look over your vehicle and identify any damage or markings that your car has. Make note of anything you see so that you can differentiate any issues that may arise after your vehicle has been shipped!
Get the Gas Tank to the Sweet Spot
The sweet spot for the gas tank is between 1/8 and 1/4 tank of gas. This gets your vehicle to a safe zone in case of emergency but does not weigh down the vehicle too much while in transit. Additionally, the lower the tank, the less likely a leak will occur.